The American Educational History Journal is devoted to the examination of educational topics using perspectives from a variety of disciplines. With AEHJ, the Organization of Educational Historians (OEH) encourages communication between scholars from numerous disciplines, nationalities, institutions, and backgrounds.
Authors come from disciplines ranging from political science to curriculum to philosophy to adult education. Although the main criterion of acceptance for publication in AEHJ requires that the author present a well-articulated argument concerning an educational issue, the editors ask that all papers offer a historical analysis. AEHJ accepts original papers of two types. The first consists of papers that are presented each year at our annual meeting. The second type consists of general submission papers received throughout the year. The American Educational History Journal, published by Information Age Publishing for the Organization of Educational Historians (OEH), will accept original unpublished manuscripts not under consideration by any other journal or publisher, for review and potential publication. General submission papers may be submitted at any time. They will not, however, undergo the review process until January when papers presented at the annual conference are also due for review and potential publication. Articles published in the Journal do not necessarily represent the views of the editors, the members of the Society, or those of the universities with which the authors are affiliated. Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of their work, for ensuring that their writing does not infringe on copyrights, for respecting individuals’ rights of privacy, and for adhering to all other expectations required of scholarly publications.
Editor: S. Marie McCarther, Ed.D. University of Missouri-Kansas City
American Educational History Journal Editor: Shirley Marie McCarther, University of Missouri—Kansas City Editorial Review Board Term: 2020-2022 Lynn Burlbaw, Texas A&M University Donna M. Davis, University of Missouri—Kansas City Glenn Lauzon, Indiana University—Northwest Curtis Mason, University of Illinois- Champagne-Urbana Katherine Perrotta, Mercer University Robert Poch, University of Minnesota Peer-Review Process for AEHJ AEHJ is not a conference proceedings publication. As mentioned above, we accept for review and potential publication papers that are both presented at the annual conference and submitted as general submissions throughout the year. By no means are all manuscripts presented at the annual conference accepted for publication in AEHJ. Once manuscripts are submitted for review, the Editor works with the Associate Editor, the Managing Editor, and the Editorial Review Board to review all manuscripts. All submissions receive a minimum of two reviews. If the first two reviewers disagree on whether or not a manuscript should be published, that paper is then sent out for a third review. The Editor is responsible for all final decisions regarding whether a manuscript should be rejected, returned for further revisions, or accepted without revisions. AEHJ’s acceptance rate varies depending Volume and Number. For more specific information, contact the Editor.
AEHJ is published by Information Age Publishing, a well known and growing press that focuses on publishing academic works in the areas of Education and Management. AEHJ is listed with others on the Information Age Publishing web site ( In addition, AEHJ continues to expand the number of indexes that carry articles published in our Journal. Abstracts and Indexes At this time, articles published in AEHJ are indexed in the following four indexes: Historical Abstracts, America: History and Life, Education Research Complete, and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). These four indexes are wide-ranging and allow scholarship published in AEHJ to reach a broad audience.
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